If we go to the doctor, we expect to be seen by someone who is either wearing scrubs, a white coat or a nice set of slacks. If our doctor walked in wearing pajamas or a jogging suit, we might be a little concerned. Likewise, when we eat at a restaurant, we expect the wait staff to either have some sort of a uniform, apron, or to be dressed according to our stereotypical expectations. If our waiter/waitress arrived at our table wearing cut off shorts, flip flop sandals and an old, tattered shirt, we might feel like we didn't get the full dining experience.
Maybe my stereotypical image of pirates is inaccurate but somehow I still choose to think that pirates look like the Pirates of the Caribbean and not like shirtless militia men. If only they would dress the part, if for no other reason than to humor me.
I needed that laugh. Thank you!