Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fabulous Household Tip

Want to learn a great way to keep your home smelling amazing and fresh? Just have your little one spill lavender bath oil on the floor and let you husband clean it up. When I arrived home from work this afternoon I noticed immediately that the house smelled just wonderful. Now, I keep a clean house but it never smells that nice. When I asked my husband why the house smelled so clean he told me the story and we had a little chuckle. Of course when I checked on the "spill site" the oily evidence was still quite apparent. I won't mention this to hubby as (a) he did try to clean it and (b) it just smells so good! So, toddlers and children alike go ahead and spill those expensive essential oils, Mom's will appreciate coming home to a pleasant aroma!


  1. LMAO! Too funny. Thanks for sharing that story. I am sure going to have to mention that to my devil of a son and see if he can "accidentally" spill a bottle too.:)

  2. LOL That is funny, and interesting to know. Thanks for sharing! :)
