Thursday, March 12, 2009

A little something about me

Hi folks,

So I thought I would introduce myself a little bit to all you lovely ladies, and say Hi, so here goes!

I'm Steff, people only call me Stephanie when they are really angry with me.

I'm a SAHM to Rhiannon (3) & Ethan (15 months), & I'm so glad it's me they get to spend their days with (not sure if they feel the same way lol!)

I was born in & lived in England until 7 years ago....DH got a job here & I followed him!

I've been a Canadian for the last two years, & never thought i'd get so emotional at my citizenship ceremony!

I live just outside of Stony Plain, with deer & gophers visiting my garden on a daily basis.

I can't wait for Spring, enough snow & cold weather already!!

I love cooking, reading, doing crafts by myself & with Rhiannon (Ethan is still at the crayon eating stage!), oh & sleeping. Unfortunately Ethan thinks sleeping through the night is for losers, so I'm kind of obsessed by sleep!

Once, I thought that I would never be a mum, I'm so glad I got the chance, better late than never!!

That's it for now.....more will follow!

Steff xx


  1. Ahhh just have to say that I love the name Rhiannon!

  2. It is a welsh name, very spur of the moment (& no, she's not named after the Fleetwood Mac song)... during the pregnancy we hadn't agreed on a name for her, as everyone had us convinced that she was a boy, & we just couldn't agree on a girl's name. I'd heard the name the day I went into labour with her & really liked it. Anyways, between contractions I mentioned the name to my hubby & luckily he liked it - Rhiannon was born about 2 hours later!!!
