Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good Advice

Good Advice Impatient. There is no better word to describe my mood the last week or so. I am home with my 18 month old son waiting for the birth of his little brother. These circumstances are a little jaded by some major sciatic pain that has been plaguing me for the last 2 months. This pain has made me more than the usual impatient as I've been told by my chiropractor, physiotherapist and Dr. that as soon as I have the baby this pain should subside (so come on baby!!!!) I have a girlfriend who recently moved across the country but thanks to the wonders of modern technology we chat daily on our Blackberrys. Having to hear my daily complaints about the baby that is refusing to be born she gave me this advice....I know you want that baby to come out but don't rush it. Enjoy what is going on right now because you can never go back.Wise words I thought from someone who doesn't have or intend to have any kids. (not that non parents aren't wise I just thought this particular piece of wisdom was extra special coming from her). She is so right. These are the last days I will have to give all my focus and attention to my oldest son. His whole life is about to change and I need to live in the moment.... in these moments that I have just with him. I am looking forward to our little addition and to seeing these two brothers grow and learn together but don't we as parents too often miss the simple daily significant moments wishing for the next big step or milestone? I have to remember to enjoy where I am at the moment and not always be thinking about the next step, the next stage, the next day. I need to remember to take advantage of these days that I can give all of my attention to one little one and not be pulled in two different directions by two little needy babes.I remember when my little guy was first born thinking to myself I am not going to be one of those mothers that is constantly looking forward to the next milestone, rolling over, crawling, walking, but to enjoy every stage for what it is. I even remember offering that advice to a girlfriend at her baby shower. "Enjoy every stage for what it is don't rush anything or you will miss so much." Somewhere along the way I forgot that proclamation and I am grateful to have a girlfriend out there that could remind me to slow down and have some patience.

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