Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The one product you want other moms to know about...

What is the one product that you use frequently as a mom that you want everyone to know about? (no self promotion here please)


  1. I think it's called a razzbaby! son loves his and it helped with his teething. He never had a soother (he would never keep it in his mouth) but the razzbaby looks like a nubby soother, it's all bumpy and really helps!

  2. I LOVE my mommy's like a giant version of the clip that you get on cell phone holders, the one where you push part of it in & you can hook it onto your belt loop (i have no doubt it has a proper technical name, but hey I've been up since 4.30 am!) . Anyways, you can hang it on your stroller handle & it holds your shopping bags, harness handles etc & keeps your hands free! I got mine from toysrus for $7, sweet!

    what else, hmmmm herbal teething tablets too!

  3. Chariot Jogging Strollers
    I am in LOVE with mine. We bought it second hand and I use it every day. With the weather being so spastic here in Calgary lately its been great for plowing through the snow and over the massive ruts in the road! Plus I can jog with it too when I hit a clear patch :)

    Oh and Sophie the giraffe, Reese is obsessed with her as a teething toy. We even managed to get rid of the soother this week! YAY!

  4. Ha ha... I was just about to say Sophie the Giraffe! My baby will gnaw on the thing like its bathed in chocolate. I get one for all my friends who are expecting. And a Baby Bjorn "Active": I have to say that I scoffed at the price tag until I bought a cheaper version and found I couldn't walk more than a block without back/shoulder pain. This one has lumbar support, plus its a cinch to strap baby in (which I can't say about the other model)!
