Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Terrible Two's!

Isabelle, my 3rd child is starting to go through "The Terrible Two's". I've been through this before... I know it will get worse before it gets better (does it ever get better???). She is 21 months old. About the same age my son Maksim started... and a little younger than when my daughter Audrey started. But I think she is the worst of them all so far. The screaming, the screaching, the grumpiness, the whole "no I don't want it, but YES, I do want it, but noooooo I dont' want it" ... how did I survive this through my other two children? Even better, how did my older two survive it without my harming them???

Just last week my husband and I were saying how much we love this age... she is so funny and so full of wonderment and discovery. And then it started this week. Not so sure I like this age anymore.

1 comment:

  1. You survived cause you had less kids to deal with. Hopefully if she starts them early she will go out of it earlier too?
