Saturday, March 14, 2009

And then there were three...thousand toys...


My name is Avery and I'm a NEW MOM.

Just confessing to this will get me 100 unwanted junk mails in my inbox offering me everything from sleep counselling, to BPA-free baby bottles, organic onesies, premium baby wipes, and RESP-contribution info. All for a price, 'natch.

I won't say that a couple years ago I had absolutely no idea what any of those things were, though; I've always wanted to have children, and I've been around enough babies to glean some information regarding what it takes to raise them. My older sister has two kids of her own that I've watched grow from infant to school-age, and I'd make notes of her own trials and tribulations during their early years, applying mental Post-its to my brain and around my own house: "When I have kids, that glass coffee table has got to go... when I have kids, remember: OFFER VEGETABLES FIRST, THEN FRUIT... when I have kids, the bouncy chair will go here... when I have kids, get the GOOD diapers...!"

For the last eight years I've been a full-time Pilates instructor, and two of my favourite classes to teach include "Prenatal Pilates" and a "Baby & Me Pilates" class. The Prenatal class helped prepare me for the realities of pregnancy (i.e. Not everyone feels like Angelina Jolie, and you may need to get acquainted with something called "Perineal Massage"...), whilst the Baby & Me class was pretty much my excuse to hold other people's babies without being seen as creepy. Oh, and it helps New Moms get back into shape after having their babies, while providing a bonding experience and a chance to socialize with other New Moms. AND I get to hold their babies!

I managed to suck an encyclopedia's worth of baby-raising info from my students during this time: Necessities of Gripe Water, Tummy Time, Nasal Aspirators. I learned from their trial-and errors... Q:How should I calm this fussy baby? A:Definitely do not start yelling goo-goo sounds in their face. Q:What's the best outfit to put on my newborn? A: One that doesn't have buttons in the back.

So, when my husband and I decided after being married for just over a year (and after finding a house with three bedrooms) that now was the time to start a family, I figured I had it all covered. Stop laughing.

So, yes, everything that has happened since giving birth to my adorable daughter Ruby six months ago that wasn't necessarily covered in Baby-rearing books or by strangers doling out unsolicited info to me in Starbucks will hopefully be covered, here.

Now I get to be that stranger doling out unsolicited info! Huzzah!

Hello. My name is Avery. I'm a New Mom. Nice to meet you.

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