Thursday, March 26, 2009

A change

Have you ever gone to the hair dresser thinking... I want a change I want something that is different, I am tired of the same old same old. I have never ever been one to really try new things. Some ole same ole Tanya here. But for some reason when I went to get my hair cut and streaked I told her I wanted it short. She looked at me as if I was on glue or something. I said I want it all gone. She was like are you sure I said yes. I want something short and easy to manage. I said I want it to be wash and go. I said I have a curling iron but I don't think its been truned on in 15 years and I don't own a blow dryer. So off it came. I have to admit I do like the shortness of it but it is also going to take some getting used to. So far everyone likes it. I guess I just have to convince myself of it.


  1. You sure do look like a hot Momma Tanya. I am sure it will take some time getting used to it. And on the plus side it will be nice and cooler for you once Summer gets here (if it ever does)!!

  2. A change can be great. I am sure you will get use to it. If not it always grows back!
