Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just An Alberta Girl

This piece of heaven that I've found
Rocky Mountains and black fertile ground
Everything I need beneath that big blue sky
Doesn't matter where I go
This place will always be my home
Yeah I've been Alberta Bound for all my life
And I'll be Alberta Bound until I die

Paul Brandt wrote and sings those lyrics - and it describes perfectly, how I feel about living here. I'm an import. Born in the US and came to Canada when I was about three and a half. Cross border love story really; American father comes to attend a school in Canada, meets my Canadian mother at the school, sparks fly, they fall in love and get married. After living in the US for a few years, they come back to Canada and we've been here ever since.

I met my husband in a wee little northern Alberta town, about 21 years ago (gulp - 21 years?!) and we were married in 1990. A year later, our oldest son joined the family and 17 months after that, yet another son joined our little family. Finally, in the early part of the summer of 1994, our family was completed with the arrival of our youngest, a daughter.

Yep. If you're doing the math, that makes me the mother of 3 teenagers. All at the same time. In the same house. Still alive. No one's bald (yet). It may however, explain the obsession I have with a certain coffee chain's coffee.

I'm not exactly new to blogging. I wrote on an intensely private personal blog last year, when one of my children was experiencing some health issues and I needed an outlet, somewhere to let out the thoughts swirling around in my head. It was cathartic, to say the least and it helped me get through that time without completely losing my mind.

I'm hoping that blogging with "company" helps me keep up with writing a little here and there. I've always enjoyed it, but sometimes the follow through is a little lacking. So I'm hoping that being here amongst all of you, is the incentive I need to get fingers to keyboard, to share a little of my life.

Thanks for the invite, Britt! And hello to everyone else!


  1. that was a great Blog! I look forward to reading more. I love how you word things :)

  2. You're a fantastic writer. I'm looking forward to following you :)
