Thursday, March 12, 2009

Star Wars Hats

Hi! I'm Karen, working mom of two - divorced & in a new relationship for almost 2 years now. My kids are school aged, and one has complicated medical issues. I've been a blogger since 2002.

Lately I've been busy working (always), knitting and planning my son's upcoming birthday party. He's been planning a big Star Wars themed movie party for weeks.

As a joke I told him that I thought I'd combine my newest obsession (knitting) with the party theme; hand-knit star wars hats.

The Princess Leia hat is hilarious, and I love the hat with the ear flaps (#10), but the best one has to be the baby/Yoda hat.

My son was not impressed.

I do have reason to wear a hat lately considering all the grey hair that has started appearing (since the kids were born... what a coincidence!) but instead I'll take that advice and cover up the grey with something other than a pair of Yoda ears.

1 comment:

  1. I love the hats you have made. Totally hilarious! You did an awesome job making them. I sure hope your son and his friends will have a blast at the party.and I'm sure they will!
