Monday, March 16, 2009

Two minute cuddle

Every school morning me and Kai have our routine to get him ready for the day. We get up and have breakfast, than it's time for the bathroom and brushing teeth. After comes the best part of my morning though. Before getting him dressed I sit on his bed and he sits in my lap and just snuggles up, and he makes sure we do this every morning. It usually is only for 2 minutes because than he needs to get dressed and I need to throw on some clothes so I can take him to the bus, but it's the best 2 minutes of my day.

Some of my friends kids don't want to snuggle anymore, and I always hear about moms who tell you to enjoy the hugs and kisses because they won't last long. I lucked out though that Kai and me are very close and he even has hugs and kisses days where throughout the day he wants a hug and a kiss no matter what we're doing. He still likes to cuddle and snuggle up when we're watching movies, and he asks for cuddles every night when it's bed time. Some days I worry though that all of a sudden he won't want a hug or a kiss anymore. I just remember my parents never showed us any affection growing up and it has created a lot of problems with my relationship with them. I told myself I'd never be like that with my children that no matter what I would tell them I love them and that I would show affection and give them hugs and kisses.

I hope our 2 minute cuddle can last as long as it can before he's too big to sit on my lap or thinks he's too old for it. I like sharing that time with him and when he's older he'll remember I was always there for him no matter what.


  1. Hurray for cuddles!!!! Rhiannon loves to snuggle when she first gets up, she has a cup of milk & has to have "mummy cuddles" before she gets down to play. Ethan is a very snuggly baby too, & loves to give big drooly open mouthed kisses, I'm so lucky & hope the cuddles & kisses keep coming for a long time yet! :0)

  2. Awe that's so sweet. My son is 4 1/2 and even though he is an independent little man still laps up hugs and kisses and so does my daughter. Sometimes when they are crazy just stopping and giving them a hug can do wonders to change how both of us are feeling! They get some positive attention and poof they can be happy again! Enjoy it while you can!

  3. I sure do love cuddles too. When I tuck my daughter in at night she gives me the most biggest bear hug of all. I walk out of her room thinking that girl does love me. Even though she fights with me through out the days.Justin is a little snuggler too.He's more of the Mommy's boy than anything I think. But aren't all boys Mommy boy's? I sure wish they could stay this size forever.
